In this episode, Jim and Derek are joined once again by Aly and Justin to discuss how very badly put together centaurs really are. Then, we answer the age-old question: is there Life On Mars? And finally, we take a hard, scientific look at how Bigfoot’s appearance on the world stage would change everything forever.
Panelists: Jim, Derek, Aly, Justin
Additional Links for the Interested
Silverling Virtual StudioThe Mind of an Octopus
The Heart of a Giraffe
Why can’t horses vomit?
How a meat-based diet drove evolution
The “Centaur of Volos,” a man-made skeleton mockup
The Resurrectionist by E. B. Hudspeth
Centaur skeleton from The Resurrectionist
Muscular structure from The Resurrectionist
Life On Mars?
How can chasing Bigfoot lead to actual science?
Skamania County Ordinance 1984-2
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Aly and Justin were great guests, once again. I hope they get to come back again!
I agree. My guess is we’ll be seeing more of them before too long.