In this episode, Jim and Derek are joined by Addison to discuss how best to arm oneself during the coming zombie apocalypse. Then, we get deeply metaphysical and philosophical when we try to forcibly enter… The Twilight Zone.
Panelists: Jim, Derek, Addison
Additional Links for the Interested
Game Theory: Walking Dead, Killing Zombies
Collective Unconscious (Wikipedia)
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Ron Serling was a staunch anti-racist. One of his most well-known attempts to publicize how prevalent racism was in America was “Noon on Doomsday,” a play that had been submitted to the The United States Steel Hour, based on the circumstances of the recently lynched Emmit Till. Knowing that a Black protagonist would never be accepted, he changed the main character’s nationality.
Ithica College in 2008 actually performed the play for the first time, but the script has never been released to the public. He also had a few other Twilight Zone episodes that were censored by the Networks for being “too much.”